Friday, September 18, 2009

The Acupuncturists Guide to a Hangover

Have one too many 40s last nigh? Well, no need to spend all day in bed drinking coffee and popping pain pills, a white class girl has a better option......consult an acupuncturist! Here are a few nifty tricks to get you back in action after a long night of partying at the trailer park:

1. Milk Thistle Extract
-Take a couple droppers full before you start the night and you should feel much better in the morning (and also protect your liver from sustaining too much damage).
2. Curing (or Culing) Pills
-One vial of these magic pills and your nausea and pounding head should be gone in under and hour (also a good thing to have around for your post Thanksgiving gorge-fest).
-You can find this chinese herbal formula on-line, or at many local health food stores.
3. GB8 (Shuai Gu) acupuncture point
-This is the #1 hangover point, it will treat both head and stomach ache and many acupuncture books actually site its ability to treat alcohol intoxication.
-The point is located in the slight depression about 1 inch above the apex of the ear (the pointy part when you fold your ear over).
-At home one can apply pressure to this point with a finger or a pen and give it a little massage, or if you happen to have a licensed acupuncturist at your disposal have them put a needle in.
4. Always drink your beer with a homemade koozie
-Well, I'm not sure this will keep you from getting a hangover, but it will class up that B-light and keep your hand at a comfortable temperature :)
-How to make homemade koozies coming soon......



  1. Luckily...WCG's have a licensed acupuncturist at our disposal. Sessy...I'm calling you up next time I have a hangover. Really could have used you last weekend...where were your needles?!

    Sally Sue

  2. I don't trust anyone else sticking needles into my head... I wonder if I could learn acupuncture to do on myself???

  3. I'm gonna get me some milk thistle and curing pills STAT. Great post!
